12200 N. Ambassador Drive, Suite 603
Kansas City, MO. 64163



Category: Nutrition

Nutrition affects athletic performance

Healthy Aging Naturally

Lack of activities can prevent you from living healthy. When you do not enjoy activities, you may feel fatigue or find it difficult to sleep at night. When you awake in the morning, you may feel tired until you finally fall asleep. As we age, our body change and we have to make changes to […]

Naturally Reduce Fatigue

June 27, 2019
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

The main indications of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), on the other hand, are overall general physical and mental weariness. There are many different causes of tiredness. Just because you’re frequently tired doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got CFS. The condition must persist for more than six consecutive months and include other symptoms such as memory loss, […]

How to Naturally Boost your Immune System

June 20, 2019
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

The main function of the immune system is to protect the body against various infections. It is the most important body component that helps in determining one’s state of health. The effectiveness of immune system varies from person to person. In case of weak immune system the person is more susceptible to infections and other […]

Naturally Boost Your Energy

April 8, 2019
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day.  You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation.  The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and can’t. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you! 1) […]

Folk Medicine – Does it work?

February 8, 2019
About Us, Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

Long before orthodox medicine took center stage in the health care practices around the world people who were sick used to visit different kind of doctors. These doctors were not the stethoscope-wielding, tech-savvy, white-coated medical geniuses of today. Mostly, they were bearded, wizened and gnarled humans looking less like physicians and more like witches or […]

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

January 8, 2019
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

Studies have shown that the number of people who are obese or overweight has gone up through the years. This is attributed to the type of food being served in schools and fast food joints as well as the typical American Lifestyle, which includes the lack of nutritious food and exercise. The problem goes farther […]

The word “Diet” is coming in January…

December 8, 2018
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

Lets Set the Stage for Success. Life as we know it seems to always include some sort of fad diet. Whether it’s your coworker from the office, your sister, or dad, it seems as though we always know someone who is dieting. Some of these people you know that are constantly trying new fad diets […]

Cholesterol and how to reduce it naturally

November 28, 2018
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

Studies have shown that the number of people who are obese or overweight has gone up through the years. This is attributed to the type of food being served in schools and fast food joints as well as the typical American Lifestyle, which includes the lack of nutritious food and exercise. The problem goes farther […]

Reduce the Risk of Cancer

November 15, 2018
Natural Lifestyle, Nutrition

The word cancer itself carries a high value of emotional potency. Cancer has a significant impact on not only our nation, but the world as a whole. When someone we know and love is diagnosed with cancer, it deeply impacts our life as we know it. According to, it is estimated that a whopping […]